The Status Quo Isn't Working

Last Spring I asked:

Do you believe you're getting the most

for your dues money?

Do you think the Association is firing on all cylinders and achieving maximum gains for the membership?

Are committees and volunteers given the best tools and resources to execute

your priorities?

This Fall it is clear that APA leadership is

failing to deliver.

 The Status Quo Isn't Working

Last Spring I asked:

Do you think the Association is firing on all cylinders

and achieving maximum gains for the membership?

Do you believe you're getting the most for your dues money?

Are committees and volunteers given the best tools

and resources to execute your priorities?

This Fall it is clear that APA leadership is failing to deliver.

Last Spring, I ran for APA President on the premise that APA wasn’t firing on all cylinders; that we were falling down on both the day-to-day tasks necessary to be a successful union and that we were failing to capitalize on historic leverage not seen by our profession in generations.


That we’re having a do-over (and not our first one) of a National Officer election and still pursuing an industry-trailing ‘targeted approach’ is clear evidence that we can, and must, do better. 


It was an honor to be nominated last spring, and although I can't believe we're having a do-over, it is an honor to be here (again) running for the Office of President of the Allied Pilot's Association.


I've got a proven track record of fighting to build leverage and achieve results! Currently, the APA is stuck between what has worked in the past and what we need to do to move forward, together!

Let's Go Further, Together.

The Same-Ole Same-Ole Isn't Working

Why am I (again) running for President? Simply, I don’t think the Association is firing on all cylinders. For sure, the cylinders are there but they are not working together. The evidence is right before our eyes: failure to obtain contract gains, failure to run an election properly, failure to prosecute grievances, and worst of all… a failure to create a sense of unity which is leading to outright division within our ranks.

The same leadership that has gotten us here is not the leadership we need going forward. We do not need more of the same. 

Our pilot group is in a holding pattern; caught between the old AMR/USAir and the new AAG. The result has been stagnation and a lack of forward progress for our pilots. This status quo is no longer acceptable. We need progress. We need results.


I have a proven track record of creating an environment where aviation professionals and volunteers, often with limited resources and leverage, obtained results for pilots. 


I was elected three times to the position of Chairman of the Master Executive Council at American Eagle – now Envoy. I also served on ALPA’s Executive Board and Board of Directors. This was in addition to several other nationally appointed positions. In short, my experience in organized labor allows me to step seamlessly into the position of APA President. 


I was a union office holder during the AMR/American Eagle bankruptcy of 2011. I was part of a dedicated group of union volunteers that emerged relatively unscathed from bankruptcy. In fact, less than two weeks after exiting bankruptcy the new management team was back demanding concessions.  To this day, I stand in admiration of my fellow union volunteers, the intense pressure we endured, and what we attained for our pilots.

Ready on Day One

"Ready on Day One" is not just a fancy campaign slogan. Over the years, I have personally sat across from Kirby, Parker, Isom, Kerr, Johnson and others at the table while they pointed the proverbial corporate gun at my brothers and sisters. But each time we came away with something that worked, something that increased pilots’ quality of life and earnings. You think it’s tough finding leverage as a mainline pilots' union? I did it as a regional airline MEC chairman.


That is what I am most proud of -- why I’m here -- I have a proven track record of finding the right people and the right resources, and managing the volunteers and resources effectively to bring about maximum benefit for the pilots.

It’s about finding all the best parts of APA and making them even better, without playing favorites or politics.


This election cycle, you can choose from existing National Officer and Domicile Representative Corps.  But why? The Status Quo isn’t producing the results the pilots of American Airlines deserve. If you place your trust in me with your vote, I will utilize all available resources to assemble the best volunteers, find and create leverage, and improve pay and quality of life. We’ve done it before; I know we can do it again.

I’m Sam Pool, I ask for your support and I ask for your vote.


Thanks in advance, and I look forward to seeing you out on the line.


Be sure to check out the Q&A, where we cover everything from ALPA to Sec6 dues.

Keep Scrolling Down!

 Questions and Answers

See what questions have been asked, along with the answers.  Feel free to submit your own.

A collection of pictures.

A collection of pictures.  From the hallways of Centerport and Washington DC to the crewrooms, here's more than a decade of Sam and the union teams 'getting it done' (and having fun).


Links to a YouTube channel that contains an expanding selection of videos covering Who, Why, and What Sam Pool is all about.

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