APA Resolution 2022-25, "APA-ALPA Merger Committee"

There is currently a resolution in front of the APA BOD that would form a committee that would interface with ALPA and negotiate a tentative merger agreement between APA and ALPA. If approved, this resolution would only provide the APA BOD and the membership the terms and conditions of a potential merger, since the final approval would still come via a pilot vote.  This process would not interfer with Section 6 bargaining.

I completely support the resolution calling for creation and empanelment of an APA-ALPA Merger Committee. There is absolutely zero downside to creating the committee and providing them tasking. We have the money, we have the people, we have the bandwidth, and most importantly, in my opinion, we have the need. 


The current structure of pilot representation here at AA is not achieving the desired results. As a three term ALPA MEC Chairman at Envoy (who also served some ALPA National functions) and now a domicile and national volunteer here at APA, my behind-the-curtain experience at both Associations has laid bare the need to have an honest conversation regarding our representation structure. Maintaining the status quo and expecting improved results is textbook insanity.


Beyond my opinion: what is the downside to gathering intelligence, sharing that intelligence with the pilots, and affording everyone the opportunity to have a healthy conversation about that intelligence? There is no requirement to have a vote, only that we explore what a merger would look like.


On a recent townhall teleconference it was shared that the APA “can’t ride more than one bicycle at a time.” Similar to anyone claiming APA doesn’t have the resources or bandwidth to empanel the Merger committee during Section 6, this is self-professed clear evidence that APA isn’t providing AA pilots the most robust representation possible.


ALPA has such deep resources that it’s possible to represent everyone, simultaneously; ALPA can ride more than one bicycle at a time.


At ALPA I always feared the mixed allegiances (mainline vs regional and carrier vs carrier). I, like many of you, still carry a few scars from dark times. I once yearned for the day I could be represented by a union whose purported sole mission was my career advancement. But now, having experienced both from the inside, I can say confidently the grass is not greener here. Even if you’re the cynical sort and believe ALPA will be looking out for DAL’s and UAL’s best interests before ours, you must eventually realize that their CBAs can not be elevated while ours is a laggard. Their managements would use AA’s CBA as a reason to never allow advancement, so ALPA – by default – would have to propel us forward in order to propel those others forward. And that’s just if you’re being cynical.


The truth is, just like any great sports, business, or musical performer, the ALPA players take extreme pride in their work and want to be winners. They want to win, every time. ALPA employs literally hundreds of the industry’s best lawyers, financial analysts, lobbyists, and staffers all looking out for me, for us, and for our industry.


For those who fear losing control of the politics (or ‘the Narrative’), if the near 15,000 pilots of American arrived at ALPA, we’d be the 800lb gorilla in the room. The concerns and thoughts of AA pilots would be front and center, loud and clear. Right now AA is also chock-full of former ALPA operatives, folks who know how business gets done there. We’d have instant legitimacy during National Officer election time, likely taking one or more National Officer positions while also populating important National Committees and having sway over important staffing decisions, industry strategies, and channeling of resources. We would still have our building, our experts, our staff, and our existing infrastructure -- but we'd also have so much more.


Lastly, while our Merger Committee can’t negotiate who will win at ALPA National elections, we can negotiate pretty much anything else. The terms and conditions of joining ALPA are literally TBD! This is the purpose of the proposed Merger Committee, to approach ALPA and get us the best conditions of membership possible.


I’m confident that our arrival at ALPA would not only provide enhancement for our long-term prospects, but also enhancement for ALPA and their incumbent members and staff concurrently.  There are no impactful downsides for the pilots of AA when it comes to joining ALPA.


I am personally Pro-ALPA. I want to earn your vote not only as APA President but also as your future ALPA MEC Chairman, and merge the many things APA does well with an organization who can help us do even better to get our careers back where they belong.


Let’s see what the options are, and have a vote!



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